Purnabhisheka is a stage when the disciple has qualified himself by Purascharana and other practices. The real sadhana begins. Asana strengthen the disciple's determination to persist along the higher stages of sadhana. Krama dikshabhisheka is a difficult stage in which it is said the great Vasistha was involved. Sage Vishwamitra acquired Brahma-jnana and became a Brahmana. Sacred thread is now worn round the neck. The shishya undergoes various ordeals receives samrajyabhisheka and maha-samrajyabhisheka. The student arrives at the most difficult of all stages introduced by yoga-dikshabhisheka. In earlier stages sadhaka has performed the panchanga-puraschharana. The sadhaka with the help of his guru does the panchanga-yoga. He is now qualified for purna-dikshabhisheka and after that maha-purna-diksha-bhisheka or viraja-grahanabhisheka. Once he attains perfection sadhaka performs his own funeral rite and thereafter makes purnahuti with his sacred thread and crown lock. Now the relation of guru and shishya ends. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to content@indianetzone.com |