Demographics of Mon As per the Census India reports of 2011, Mon had a total population of 16,590 with 9,138 males and 7,452 females. The population percentage of children between the ages of 0 to 6 years was 17 percent. The town had an average literacy rate of 71 percent, which was higher than the national average of 76 percent. As per the reports, the male literacy rate was 75 percent, and female literacy rate was 66 percent. The Konyaks and the Aos are the two tribes that constitute almost the entire urban population of present day town of Mon. Visiting Information on Mon The town of Mon is at a distance of 357 km from Kohima via Dimapur and 280 km from Dimapur, 275 km from Kohima via Mokokchung, Tamlu and Wakching. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |