Bapulal Nayak
Bapulal Nayak is an actor, director, and manager of old Gujarati theatre.
Bapulal Nayak is an actor and director of Gujarati theatre. From the age of 11, he performed various roles in popular plays like Harishchandra and Rajbij i.e. "King's Progeny", and rose to the position of owner of the Mumbai Gujarati Natak Mandali while still quite young. Partnering the famous female impersonator Jaishankar Sundari, this popular Gujarati theatre personality directed plays like Ajabkumari, Jugaljugari Jugal the Gambler, and Saubhagya Sundari or 'Fortunate Sundari'.
Bapulal Nayak, the well-known theatre personality of Gujarat trained many actors, wrote drama himself, and took active interest in bridging the gap between Gujarati literatureand theatre. His most significant contribution was the production of Nrisinh Vibhakar's plays with a national fervour, immediately after Mahatma Gandhi's arrival from South Africa. Bapulal Nayak died in 1947.
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