When the Pandava princes determined to abandon the world and retire into the forest, the Rajah Yudhisthira gave the Raj of Hastinapur to Parikshit. The beginning of the Kali age is placed at the start of the reign of Parikshit, though according to the usual notions it commenced from the death Krishna. The Vyasa who arranged or compiled the Puranas flourished during therein of Parikshit. In the Mahabharata, it is said that the prince himself died of the bite of a snake. In the Bhagavata Purana was related to him between the bite and its fatal effect. The king had incurred the imprecation of a hermit by which he was sentenced to die of the bite of a venomous snake, at the expiration of seven days. Again in preparation for this event, he repaired to the banks of the Ganges and also went the gods and sages to witness his death. Among the latter was Sukathe son of Vyasa and it was in reply to Parikshit's question that what should a man do who is about to die that he narrated the Bhagavata, as he had heard it from Vyasa. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to content@indianetzone.com |