In most hands this finger is smaller than the finger of Mount of Sun or Apollo. Sometimes it is found that the index finger is longer than the finger of Apollo. If this finger is longer than the finger of Apollo in an individual's hand then such person is found to be full of self-esteem, pride. These individuals are found to occupy responsible posts. They are not interested in religious matters but they often flatter their superior officers. Since they are fond of superior position and respectable posts, they take resort to such flattering, the higher officers so that they can attain a superior post in office. They are completely apathetic to their subordinate and develop a sense of ruling to others from their extreme ego. Though they get insulted several times by the society on this account yet they move ahead due to their patience. Again, according to the science of palmistry if the index finger is smaller than the finger of Apollo then such a person is clever and is expert to get his work done in any way. They know very well what they have to do and if they do not complete it of their own, they never hesitate to exploit others in any way, to get his work completed. The appeasement of their selfish needs matters to them most. According to the sciences of palmistry such persons should be regarded as selfish and cunning. Sometimes the index finger is found to be extra-ordinarily small. According to the researches made by the eminent palmists, such individual with extraordinarily small index finger is adept in taking sudden decisions. On the contrary if the index finger is extra-ordinarily long, then the person is found to be cruel, proud and licentious. If the index finger is long with the upper tip is pointed then such persons are found to be superstitious and have more than necessary faith in religion. If the finger is long but upper tip is squares such persons have good moral character and are charitably disposed. The ethico-moral principles and ideals are the spirit of their living. If the index finger is of average length and the upper tip is flat, the person is fickle-minded. If only the first phalange of the index finger is long then such a person in the science of palmistry can be called as self-confident. If only the second phalange is long, then such a person is too much ambitious. If the third phalange is long, the person is extremely proud and arrogant. If both finger of Apollo and the index finger are equal, then such a person becomes famous in the whole world. As the distinguished palmists have opined it is due to the fact that their index finger and Line of Apollo or Sunare equal, that Napoleon Bona Prate and Abraham Lincoln attained a worldwide reputation.
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