Atri is also among the three main seers who propounded the sacred thread and developed the religious term `Aum` or `Om`.
Atri, as described in Hinduism, is one of the ten sons of Creator Brahma and first of the Sapta Rishis. He is also among the three main seers who propounded the sacred thread (after Brihaspati) that has three strands symbolising Creation (Brahma and the letter A), sustenance (Vishnu and the letter U), and dissolution (Shiva and the letter M). Together these three letters stands for the vows of Brahmin 'Aum' or 'Om', a religious term of the Hindus.
It has been found that the son of Dasaratha, Rama visited Atri's ashram during his exile in the forest for fourteen years. It was Maharshi Atri, who showed the way to Dandakaranya to Rama.
He is supposed to be one of the great discoverers of sacred Mantras of Hinduism. 'Atri Samhita' and 'Atri Smriti' are the two books attributed to Atri.
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