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Treatments of Urinary Disorders
Treatments of urinary disorders include treatments in Herbal therapy, Hydrotherapy, Aromatherapy, Naturopathy, Homeopat.

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Treatments of Urinary DisordersTreatment of urinary disorders allows various alternative treatments that date back from the ancient times. Apart from the most primeval treatments, the modern science has offered many ways to diagnose this disease and methods of treatments that are less painful and effective.

The treatments of urinary disorders have options like Herbal therapy, Hydrotherapy, Aromatherapy, Naturopathy and Yoga that can lessen the acuity of the painful disease. The causes of the urinary disorders can be the result of hereditary predisposition of the problems like kidney diseases, recent infections in the respiratory tract, heart, skin. The history of the past kidney problems, trauma such as accidents or injuries, or other conditions like high blood pressure can cause or alleviate the risk of urinary disorder. Allergies in food may result urinary disorder.

Some other reasons behind urinary disorder are holding urination for a long time, pregnancy, having urinary tract infections or bladder infections as a child, having past menopause, and diabetes. Sexual intercourse is a common cause of urinary tract infections because the female anatomy can make women more prone to urinary tract infections. The alternative approaches may help promote the natural passage of small bladder stones and also prevent their recurrences. The first and foremost thing to prevent urinary disease is to maintain a proper diet which includes avoiding foods that contain caffeine, coffee, tea, artificial sweeteners, carbonated beverages and tomatoes.

In Naturopathy, people with symptoms of urinary disorders and severity of the problems are advised to consume considerable amount of foods that contain Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, mineral ascorbates, amino acid etc. As Vitamin A deficiency increases the risk of many infections, some practitioners of medicine advise to consume considerate amount of Vitamin A to ward off the disease. Limiting oxalate-rich foods such as spinach, chard, beet greens, and rhubarb, as well as tea and chocolate, also may help to reduce the chance of developing urinary disorders. To help prevent the disease, naturopaths suggest a regular intake of citrus fruits and juices to acidify the urine. The proteolytic enzymes, bromelain (from pineapple) and trypsin may enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics in people with a UTI. As infection from bacteria is the main reason of urinary disorder, some antiseptic diuretics are used in Herbal therapy and Aromatherapy to treat infections of the bladder such as Cedarwood, tea tree, bergamot and fennel.
Treatments of Urinary Disorders
In alternative medicines, the treatment of urinary disorder may be treated in the application of Herbal therapy which recommends to administer cranberry juice as it prevents urinary tract infections. Among the other herbs that are helpful in diminishing the disease include Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), birch (Betula spp.), couch grass (Agropyron repens), goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), horsetail, Java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus), lovage (Levisticum officinale), parsley (Petroselinum crispum), spiny restharrow (Ononis spinosa), nettle and Buchu leaf that appear to work by increasing urinary volume and supposedly helping to flush bacteria out of the urinary tract. The volatile oil of horseradish has been shown to kill bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections.

In the treatment of urinary disorder Goldenseal herb is reputed to treat many types of infections. It contains berberine, an alkaloid that may prevent UTIs by inhibiting bacteria from adhering to the wall of the urinary bladder. The ancient tradition refers to the consumption of the extract of `uva ursi` which is used to treat urinary disorders. Some times the Indian Herbalists recommend a tea made from varsity leaves to treat bladder stones and other urinary disorders. Other herbal remedies include teas made from goldenrod, watermelon seeds, or marsh mallow roots. Rosemary, lemon and grapefruit help reduce the size of stones and help prevent infection. A good urinary tonic recommended by the herbalists is a tincture or tea of dandelion, nettle, fresh oats and rose hips.

The treatment of urinary disorders is available in Aromatherapy. According to this therapy, tea tree oil, sandalwood oil, bergamot and juniper are mixed properly to liberate the pain and infection of the disease. In this treatment for this particular disease, 6 drops tea tree oil, 2 drops thyme linalool oil, 2 drops juniper, 2 drops clove oil, 2 drops oregano oil, 1 ounce base oil which in this case is calendula are blended accurately and applied over the bladder area twice a day. In case of serious infection professional help should be taken while application. In Hydrotherapy, these oils are sometimes advised to use preventatively in a regular bath or a sitz bath with an emphasis on cold water. For urethritis, contrast sitz bath is recommended. The treatment of urinary disease includes juice therapy that suggests the patients to intake juice made of carrot, parsley, celery, cucumber. According to ancient tradition, Cranberry juice is effective in the treatment of urinary disorder. Apart from these therapies, there are other added therapies are Magnetic therapy and Osteopathic medicine.

Yoga also plays a vital role in the treatment of urinary disorders. Walking and other physical activity that exercises the back, legs, and other weight-bearing bones enables the body to absorb and store calcium rather than excrete it and lessen the chance of acuity of urinary diseases. Practicing Yoga asanas and `pranayam` may increase the comfort level of the patients suffering from urinary diseases and in some premature cases can decrease the chance of developing urinary disorders. Most importantly, personal hygiene should be maintained properly like the patients suffering from urinary disorder or people who have experienced some of the symptoms of urinary disorders. Personal cleanliness includes daily bathing avoiding perfumed soaps, bubble baths, genital deodorants, and feminine hygiene products, which can irritate the genital area and set the stage for restricts, using a mild, unscented, and water soluble lubricant or contraceptive foam or jelly (which is bactericidal) during intercourse can make penetration easier and lessen trauma to the urethra and bladder, frequent urination is avoidable and holding urine may lead to urinary disorders and increases bladder irritation.

Moreover, Homeopathy can be an option for the treatment of urinary diseases. Some medicines in Homeopathy like Azo-Standard®, Belladonna, Berberis vulgaris, Borax, Cantharis, Chimaphila umbellate, Clematis, Equisetum, Lycopodium, Nux vomica and Sarsaparilla are advised to intake in some cases of urinary disorders. Some cases in urinary disorders the homeopaths suggest medicines like Apis mellifica, Aconitum, Mercurius, Pulsatilla and Staphysagria.

As soon as the symptoms of urinary diseases are experienced, the treatment of urinary diseases should be started to avoid further complication. If one is reluctant to go for surgery, there are several other treatments available in alternative treatments that can reduce the acuity of the problem or cure the disease permanently if treatments are started in time.

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