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Treatments of Pneumonia
Numerous methods of treatments of pneumonia such as ayurveda, homeopathy and naturopathy cure the disease.

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The disease pneumonia is caused by several factors. It is mainly an ailment which is the result of infection of the micro organisms such as bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites. Treatments of pneumonia begin after proper diagnosis. The disease is treated depending on the cause and severity of it. The foremost medication for curing pneumonia is antibiotics. However, antibiotics are used to treat bacterial pneumonia but are not effective against viral pneumonia. Furthermore, most cases of pneumonia are treated without hospitalization. Normally, besides antibiotics, other treatment prescribed as a remedial measure for pneumonia includes rest, fluids, and home care. On the other hand if the symptoms of the persons suffering from pneumonia get worse, they are taken for advanced treatment.

The antibiotic is chosen depending on the type of the pneumonia. Treatment for pneumonia should ideally be based on the causative microorganism and its known antibiotic sensitivity. Antibiotics which are provided for hospital-acquired pneumonia include vancomycin, cephalosporins, carbapenems, fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides. These antibiotics are given intravenously. In addition to that people suffering from pneumonia are also given certain advanced treatment when the case becomes serious. People with difficulty in breathing due to pneumonia require extra oxygen. Extremely sick individuals may require intensive care treatment, often including intubation and artificial ventilation.

The typical symptoms associated with pneumonia are cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty in breathing. Diagnosis is performed through x-rays and examination of the sputum. Thus, the treatment of pneumonia depends on the cause of the disease. The infective pneumonia such as bacterial pneumonia and viral pneumonias include treatment that contains medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen which help control pain and fever. Other treatments can be use of a cool-mist humidifier or vaporizer to increase air moisture and to make it easier to breathe. Rest is one of the significant treatments for curing pneumonia. Rest in bed until body core temperature returns to normal (98.6 degrees F or 37 degrees C) and chest pains and breathing problems cures is recommended. In addition to that drinking six to eight glasses of liquids daily to help keep mucous thin and easy to cough up are also advised for the patient.

Furthermore, viral pneumonia caused by influenza is treated with rimantadine or amantadine. Viral pneumonia is mainly the result of influenza A or B which may be treated with oseltamivir or zanamivir. Other effective treatments for viral pneumonias include the SARS coronavirus, adenovirus, Hantavirus, or parainfluenza virus. Nevertheless, treatments for aspiration pneumonia are to rectify breathing support. A breathing tube called an endotracheal tube is placed within the trachea to maintain an open airway and allow assisted breathing. Antibiotics are also given only if a secondary lung infection is seen.

Alternative Treatments of pneumonia has also played significant role in curing the disease. Pneumonia treated by nature cure has proved to be beneficial. The patient is advised to be on a diet of raw juices for five to ten days, depending on the severity of the disease. In this regimen, he is recommended to take a glass of fruit juice like orange, sweet lime, apple, pineapple, grapes or vegetable juice like carrots and tomatoes diluted with warm water every two or three hours. After a diet of raw juices, when the fever subsides, the patient should spend three or four further days on an exclusive fresh fruit diet, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits such as apple, grapes, pineapple, mangoes, orange, lemon and papaya. Thereafter, he may gradually adopt a well-balanced diet of natural foods consisting of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits with emphasis on fresh fruits and raw vegetables. However, the patient should avoid strong tea, coffee, refined foods, fried foods, white sugar, white flour and all products made from them, condiments and pickles. He should also avoid all meats as well as alcoholic beverages and smoking. The patient should be given warm water enema daily to cleanse the bowels during the period of raw juice therapy and all fruit diet. Sipping of cold water has also been found beneficial in the treatment of pneumonia. The patient should sip cold water at short intervals so long as the fever continues.

Home Remedies also is useful as among the treatments of pneumonia. During the early acute stage of this disease, herbal tea at least four cups, daily made from fenugreek seeds will help the body to produce perspiration, dispel toxicity and shorten the period of fever. The quantity should be reduced as condition improves. To improve flavour, a few drops of lemon juice can be used. During this treatment, no other food or nourishment should be taken, as fasting and fenugreek will allow the body to correct these respiratory problems in a few days. The recommended Ayurvedic treatment for pneumonia includes the intake of the Ayurvedic Medicine with ingredients Shringa bhasma, Rasa Sindoor and Shirngrabhra, Narsar. Garlic is also a good remedy for pneumonia, prescribed in Ayurveda. But it is recommended use in sufficient quantities. It brings down the temperature as well as the pulse and respiration within 48 hours. Garlic juice can also be applied externally to the chest with beneficial results, as it is an irritant.

Sesame seeds are valuable in pneumonia. An infusion of the seeds, mixed with a tablespoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt and a dessertspoon of honey, should be given in the treatment of this disease. This will help remove waste matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. Even rubbing oil of turpentine over the rib cage and wrapping warmed cotton wool over it can relieve the pain of pneumonia. The juice of Tulsi leaves to which a pinch of powdered black pepper has been added should be drunk four times a day. This will is beneficial for pneumonia.

Pneumonia can be prevented in several ways. The foremost factors which can avert the disease include a good healthy all round diet. The next step is considered to be ceasing the consumption of tobacco smoking to fight the infection. Other common methods of avoiding the disease include washing of hands before eating and after going outside, washing helps killing the cold viruses. In addition to that deep-breathing exercises and therapy to clear secretions also help preventing pneumonia in people at high risk.

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