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Treatment of Gall Bladder Stones
Treatment of gall bladder stones is frequently done through Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy and Magnetic Therapy. The gall bladder stones or cholecystitis are a common inflammatory condition.

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Treatment of Gall Bladder StonesTreatment of gall bladder stones is often done through various medical processes- Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy and Magnetic Therapy. It is a common inflammatory condition, and is caused mainly due to an accumulation of cholesterol in the gall bladder. Various alternative medicinal methods are followed for treating gall bladder stones. The alternative treatment methods like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy or nature care are used quite extensively for treating gall bladder stones. These methods are quite effective in removing the gall stones.

In alternative medicine, a regimen called "gallbladder flush" or "liver flush" is a popular remedy. This is often a self-administered treatment and here, the patient drinks four glasses of pure apple juice and eats five apples (or applesauce) per day for five days. After that, the patient is suggested to fast briefly, take magnesium and then drink large quantities of lemon juice mixed with olive oil before going to bed. In this treatment, the patient painlessly passes a number of green and brown pebbles flushed from the biliary system, in the next morning.

Treatment of Gall Bladder Stones Ayurvedic Treatment of Gall Bladder Stones
In Ayurveda, the treatment of gall bladder stones is done by using several herbs and ingredients collected from nature. The symptoms of gall bladder stones have successful remedies in Ayurveda and the remedies do not have any side effects. According to Ayurveda, gall bladder stones form mainly due to an improper metabolic process and this process is governed by the elemental force like the bile, Pitha. Pitha controls the digestive system and all biochemical process. The Ayurvedic treatment of gall bladder stones involves herbal medications, detoxification and advice on adjustments to diet and lifestyle.

Homoeopathic Treatment of Gall Bladder Stones
Treatment of gall bladder stones is sometimes done following the Homoeopathic treatment methods. In Homoeopathy, the treatment is done using various natural herbs and ingredients. If Homoeopathic treatment is started at an early stage, one can easily avoid the complications caused by the disease. The main objective of Homoeopathic treatment of gall bladder stones is to dissolve the stones and remove the tendency to form stones. Homoeopathy has many effective medicines for gall bladder stones and also helps to prevent the recurrence of stones. The Homoeopathic medicines used most commonly for treatment of gall bladder stones include Cholesterinum, Chelidonium, Berberis vulgaris, Cinchona, Nux vomica, Carduus Marianus, etc. However, the most common amongst all Homeopathic remedies for gall stones is Chelidonium majus, which is quite effective in reducing inflammation of the bile duct.

Naturopathic Treatment of Gall Bladder Stones
Naturopathy or nature care is another effective way for treatment of gall bladder stones. The primary objective of naturopathic treatment of gallstones is to flush the gall bladder of its stones. However, it is necessary to first be sure that the stones are small enough to be flashed. If the stones are bigger, then the patient may experience pain. A grapefruit diet is generally recommended in naturopathic treatment of gall bladder stones, once the size of the stones is determined properly.

In case of acute gall bladder inflammation, naturopathy advises a patient to fast for two or three days and drink only water until the acute condition clears. After the completion the fasting period, the patient is advised to take carrot, beet, grape, lemon or grape juice for a few days. The diet is required to be lacto-vegetarian, comprising raw and cooked vegetables, vegetable juices, and a moderate amount of fruit and seeds. Yogurt, cottage cheese and a tablespoon of olive oil are also prescribed to be taken twice a day. In Naturopathy, all types of meats, eggs, animal fats and processed and denatured fats, fried foods, etc. are strictly restricted during treatment of gall bladder stones. Avoiding refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, sugar products, alcohol, soft drinks, cakes, puddings, ice-cream, coffee and citrus fruits, etc. are also suggested in Naturopathy. The patient is further suggested to eat small meals at frequent intervals, rather than three large meals.

Another effective method used for treatment of gall bladder stones is the Magnetic Therapy. In case of tormenting pain strikes, local application of magnet can be executed with the North Pole in the front to the site of the pain and the South Pole opposite at the back. Daily application of the magnets to the palms of hands during the period of comparative ease that comes after acute attacks is suggested in magnetic therapy. This is suggested to the people prone to recurrent attacks of the gallstone pain. Apart from this, consumption of mixed magnetized water is also prescribed to take four times daily or every two hours during acute attacks.

Yogic Treatment of Gall Bladder Stones
Yoga is also considered as an effective method for treatment of gall bladder stones. Exercise is essential for treating gall bladder stones, as physical inactivity is very much likely to lead to lazy gall-bladder type indigestion and eventually result in the formation of stones. Various Yoga Asanas are suggested for treatment of gall bladder stones and they are considered as beneficial in toning up the liver and gall bladder. Some of the most commonly used yogic asanas for treating gallstones include Sarvangasana, Paschimottanasana, Salabhasana, Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, etc.

Besides all the above mentioned alternative medicine therapies, there are also a few other methods that are used for treatment of gall bladder stones. These treatment methods include the Colonic Hydrotherapy, in which a detoxification program is used for the liver and colon to improve gall bladder function. Acupuncture is also used for treatment of gall bladder stones. In Acupuncture, certain points on the liver, stomach, bladder, gall bladder, spleen and conception meridians are stimulated, once the cause and symptoms of gall bladder stones are determined. The other non-surgical treatments of gall bladder stones include oral dissolution therapy, and contact dissolution therapy.

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