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Treatment of Common Fever by Home Remedy
Treatment of common fever by home remedy is most readily available and assured path to complete recuperation.

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Treatment of Common Fever by Home RemedyThe most effective way of treating common fever by home remedy is to take rest and complete and absolute blissful rest. Relaxation is the basic keyword and requirement of the body during such times. Medical professionals generally ask their patients to avoid eating fried and cholesterol enriched food items. One needs to maintain one`s diet with lighter food items like wheat, bread, biscuits etc. Home remedy for treating common fever also suggests one to have oatmeal with milk. This serves as excellent diet for the body. Naturally prepared fresh juices needs to be administered as the body gets dehydrated and loss of fluid is repleted with the intake of nutrient-rich fruit juices. Fruits like apple and banana are beneficial and advisable to be eaten during bouts of common fever. To reduce the effect of fever in children, the best way is to apply warm water cloth-strips on the forehead. This serves as an acknowledged natural remedy, which proves really helpful during treatments of common fever amongst children. Herbal tea made from herbs like tulsi (holy basil), laung etc. also testify as effective in treating fever. Intake of ice creams and cold drinks is a definite food item that needs to be avoided. It is seen in very many occasions that patients suffering from common fever are of the habit to consume over-the-counter-drugs, thereby placing themselves vulnerable to dangerous aggravations of fevers. There exists no apparent harm in taking them, but it is always better to consult with the physician as some antibiotics are allergic to the body`s immune system. As such, home remedies, though rather slow and time-consuming, normally cures one entirely. Precautions need to be taken care of while administering these drugs; herbal products are always advised for medications. They serve as a good replacement for the body and are 100 percent natural and free from side-effects.

There exists also several other home remedies for treatment of common fever, which are at times readily available in the nearby drugstore or supermarkets. Yellow oils, possessing necessary antiseptic agents, can be beneficially utilised for healing purposes. The yellow oil provides one with umpteen benefits and also serves as an exceptional home remedy for treating depression and stress during the ongoing common fever. To help alleviate muscle ache, one can also try out lemon grass oil. This assists in reducing infections and the common fever itself. The aroma of coffee also acts as an useful ingredient in the treatment and prevention of common fever. This coffee aroma as well as its essential oil is used as antioxidant, which brings about a smell to assist reduce depression, soothe the respiratory system, heal up bee stings, also reducing nauseating tendencies.

Besides such all-time tasks and recommendations, there exist nearly hundreds of home-made remedies for treatment of common fever, laid down in umpteen processes.

Common Fever treatment using Holy Basil- The leaves of holy basil (tulsi) are one of the most effectual of several home remedies in the treatment of common fever. A decoction made of approximately twelve grams of these leaves, boiled in half a litre of water, needs to be administered twice daily, together with half a cup of milk, one teaspoon of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of powdered cardamom. This will very well bring down the temperature by considerable measurements.

Common Fever treatment using Fenugreek- A particular tea made from fenugreek seeds is indeed much equal in value to quinine in lessening common fevers and in its treatment. This specialised tea needs must be taken twice everyday. It is specifically valuable as a cleansing and soothing drink. Fenugreek seeds, when made moist with water, turns vaguely gluey and thus, the tea made from them owns the mightiness to melt a sticky substance like mucus.

Common Fever treatment using Saffron- A tea made from saffron is another effective home remedy for treatment in common fever. This tea is prepared by mixing half a teaspoon of saffron in 30 ml of simmering water. The patient is advised to be administered a teaspoon of this tea each hour till the body temperature returns to normal.

Common Fever treatment using Raisins- The use of an infusion from raisins is exceedingly beneficial in the treatment of common fever by home remedies. This extract is prepared by imbuing twenty-five raisins in half a cup of water and then squeezing them in the same water. They are then sieved thoroughly and the skin is cast away. The raisin water thus prepared turns into a brilliant tonic. Half a teaspoon of lime juice added to the infusion enhances its taste and usefulness to the maximum. This raisin decoction acts as an excellent medicine during common fevers and should be taken twice everyday.

Treatment of Common Fever by Home Remedy Common Fever treatment using Apricot- A cup of fresh juice of apricots blended with one teaspoon of glucose or honey acts as a magnificent cooling drink during treatments in common fevers. The decoction quenches the thirst and eradicates the waste products from the immune system. It lends a healthy touch to the eyes, stomach, liver, heart and nerves by providing vitamins and minerals.

Common Fever treatment using Grapefruit- The juice of grapefruit is looked at as an invaluable diet in treating all kinds of common fevers through home remedial measures. It allays thirst tremendously and removes the burning sensation induced by the fever. Half a glass of grapefruit juice as such, needs to be taken with an equal measure of water.

Common Fever treatment using Orange - Orange serves as a superb fruit in treating all kinds of common fever from home remedy, when the digestive power of the body gets severely malfunctioning. The patient suffers from blood poisoning called toxaemia and the lack of saliva results in heavy coating of the tongue, often tearing down his thirst for water as well as his desire for food. The agreeable flavour of orange juice greatly aids in overcoming these snags. Orange juice is the ultimate liquid food in curing common fevers. It furnishes and supplies energy, increases urinary function and reinforces the body resistance against infections, thereby stimulating recovery.

Common Fever treatment using Bloodwort- Bloodwort is one of the most admired and all accepted herbal home remedies for the treatment of common fevers. A hot infusion of the herb prepared by steeping 15 gm of the herb in 250 ml of water needs to be taken twice daily. This will stimulate perspiration further, which will in turn, cool the fever and eject the toxins.

Common Fever treatment using Hog Weed - Yet another herb found advantageous in the treatment of common fever by home remedy is hog weed. It is recommended to be taken twice everyday in the form of an extract prepared by steeping 15 gm of the herb in 250 ml of water. The solution helps in bringing down body temperature by inducing profuse perspiration.

Home remedial dietaries for common fever also helps in treating common fever.

Orange juice and water
The patient needs to be kept on a strict diet of orange juice and water at the beginning of this home remedial treatment for common fever. The correct procedure calls for the patient to drink the juice of an orange in a glass of warm water every two hours from 8 a.m to 8 p.m.

All-fruit diet, followed by well-balanced diet
After body temperature has lessened down to normal and the tongue has eventually cleared, the patient can adopt an all-fruit diet for a few more days, a much advocated home remedy for treatment of common fever. Involving this regimen, he should have three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits. Thereafter, the patient can slowly and steadily move towards a well-balanced diet depending upon his age, with more stress upon fresh fruits and raw or softly cooked vegetables.

Warm-water enema, cold compresses
While the patient is on an orange juice strict dietary regimen, a warm-water enema needs to be given daily to cleanse the bowels, an effective treatment of common fever by home remedy. Cold compresses might also be applied on the head in case body temperature rises above 39.4 degrees Celsius or l03 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cold pack applied to whole body
If the above-stated method does not prove to be a success, a cold pack needs to be applied to the whole body. The perfect home remedial procedure for treating common fever is to extract out a sheet or any other large, square piece of linen material in cold water. This must also be draped twice right round the body from face downwards. The body should then be covered completely with a thin blanket or some related warm material. This finalised pack is recommended to be applied every three hours during the day, while body temperature is high and kept on for an hour approximately each time.

Hot water bottles on feet and sides of the body
As a final resort to treating common fever by home remedies, hot water bottles can be rested on the feet and against the sides of the body.

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