Like all other subjects, the sports events also has its own terms. There are a lot of terms that are used in games like Billiards, Athletics, Squash, Basketball etc. These are as follows:
Terms of Athletics
The sport of Athletics has a lot of international and colloquial terms.Some of the important terms are Relay, Heptathlon, Decathlon, Marathon, etc.
Terms of Billiards
Like all other sports, the Billiards also has its own terms. There are a lot of terms that are used in Billiards. These terms are Distraction,Draw shot, Free ball , Frozen ball, Half-ball shot, etc.
Terms of Squash
Racquet games like the Tennis, Table Tennis etc., there are some sorts of similarity in the Terms of Squash as well. Here is a brief description of all the terms that is being used in the game of Squash. Some of the terms are Ace, Alley,Back Swing, Board, Box, etc.
Terms of Basketball
There are a lot of terms that are used in the game of Basketball. The people who are familiar with the game, may very easily recognise the terms. Here are the terms given for those who knows a very little about the game. Some of the terms are Basket or Backboard, Foul, etc.
Terms of Golf
The game of Golf also has its standard terms that are always in use in the game. They are quite a few in numbers. However, the people who are interested in Golf will surely never bother about the large number of its terms and will try to learn and remember them as far as they can.
Terms of Skate Boarding
There are quite a few terms and vocabularies in the game of Skate Boarding that include certain aspects of the game like the Skate Board, the skating tricks and also the obstacles. As the game is very simple and easy to play, the terms of the game are very limited.