Preparation for Massaging is an essential part before starting to massage the body. First of all, the body should be in enough comfort. The receiver of the Ayurvedic massage should hydrate the body and should feel relaxed before the starting of the massage. If the receiver hesitates to feel comfortable then his or her body would be stiff which would be inconvenient for the massage strokes. So, the initial and prime point to remember for the Preparation for Massaging is to feel relaxed and comfortable.
What to do before the Massage
Before preparing the body for the massage, here are certain things to do:
Hydrate before and after the massage.
Wear loose comfortable clothing.
Breathe normally.
Don`t be afraid to communicate.
Steps for the Preparation before Massaging
First the receiver of the massage should lie down on the back and relax for a few minutes. The giver should keenly watch the subject while he or she stands erect on the heels. He should take note of whether the receiver is standing erect or whether he or she is tilting to one side. Witnessing gives the massager an idea as to which side of the subject is more comfortable. If the receiver is always leaning more to one side than the other, then this should be pointed out and the receiver should be asked to try to stand erect. If the receiver fails to do so, then he or she should be given more time on the opposite side and the receiver should try hard to bring him or her to an erect position. This will help the receiver in remaining mentally balanced.
The giver, after relaxing, should drop a few drops of oil into his palms and rub them against each other to energize the hands and to increase circulation and warmth in the hands. Then the giver should start the massage with full concentration. The body of the receiver should be folded or turned as needed. Rubbing and clapping of the hands should be repeated each time the giver removes the hands from the body. This relaxes the hands of the giver and gives him time to breathe and renews the hands with fresh energy.