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Natural Remedy for the Prolapse of Uterus
Natural Remedy for the Prolapse of the Uterus in Naturopathy consists mainly of a suitable well balanced diet and proper exercises.

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Natural Remedy for the Prolapse of Uterus, NaturopathyNatural Remedy for the Prolapse of the uterus should aim at building up the internal musculature of the body. Proper diet and exercises are of supreme importance in the natural cure of displaced womb. While surgery is one of the methods for treating Prolapsed Uterus, there are multiple natural treatments that can be used effectively to relieve symptoms without the need for invasive interventions.

Prolapse of the uterus is when the uterus falls from poor connective tissue health. Sometimes it slips so far down that it reaches into the vagina, and may be seen coming out the body.

Causes of Prolapsed Uterus
The most common factors leading to Prolapsed Uterus are pregnancy and childbirth. While these conditions set the stage for the weakening pelvic tissues which lead to Prolapsed Uterus. Additional factors include smoking, chronic coughing, heavy lifting on a regular basis, prior pelvic injury or a genetic predisposition.

Natural Remedy for the Prolapse of Uterus, NaturopathyDiet for Prolapsed Uterus
By eating well, maintaining a healthy weight, and quitting unhealthy habits, less strain will be placed on pelvic tissues and organs. The patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for about 5 days at the beginning of the treatment. During this period she should take 3 meals consisting of juicy fruits such as apple, orange, pineapple, grapes at 5 hourly intervals.

The bowel should be cleansed on a daily basis with a warm water enema. After the all fruit diet, the patient should steadily embark upon a well-balanced diet, based on three basic food groups, namely
a) seeds, nuts and grains
b) vegetables
c) fruits The all fruit diet should be repeated for three days at monthly intervals till the condition improves.

Use of Carrot for Prolapsed Uterus
Carrots have proved functional in the treatment of Prolapse of the uterus. For Prolapse of the uterus, pulped carrots should be placed in a muslin bag and inserted in a vagina. This should be kept for some time using fresh carrots every 12 hours. This will heal and strengthen the parts and help to a great extent in preventing any further disorders in the female reproductive system.

Hip Bath for Prolapsed Uterus
Natural Remedy for the Prolapse of Uterus, NaturopathyA hot Epsom salts bath is also valuable in the treatment of Prolapse of the uterus and should be undertaken twice a week. No soaps should be used with the bath as it will hinder the favourable effects. The alternate hot and cold hip baths are also helpful and should be undertaken at night on alternate days.

Exercise for Prolapsed Uterus
Exercises to toughen the pelvic musculature are exceptionally useful in the treatment of Prolapse of the uterus. Kegel exercises are the most common exercise known to maintain pelvic floor and vaginal tone. Exercises that focus on core muscles, such as Yoga and Pilates can also provide support for pelvic muscles.

Lying on a couch with the legs elevated than the rest of the body is very helpful in relieving pain and uneasiness from a displaced womb. This should be done from half an hour to an hour for 2 or 3 times on a daily basis. The patient should also carry out other exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles. These exercises will help to a large extent in correcting the displacement of the uterus.

Cautions for Prolapsed Uterus
Any propensity towards tight lacing, constant stooping, and heavy lifting must be cautiously guarded against, once a normal regime is undertaken, as these will involuntarily tend to hold up the success of the treatment.

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