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Natural Remedy for Cystitis
Natural Remedy for Cystitis in Naturopathy prescribes the patient to abstain from all solid food and thereafter embark upon a well balanced diet.

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Natural Remedy for Cystitis, Indian NaturopathyNatural remedy of acute cystitis involves withholding all solid food without delay and go on a strict balanced diet. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder caused by either a bacterial or viral infection which commonly affects women. It is wise to rest and keep warm at this time. Cystitis is also referred to as a "Bladder Infection" or as a "Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)". Cystitis can occur in men and children but is most common among women.

Diet Therapy for Cystitis
If there is fever, the patient should fast either on water or tender coconut water for 3 or 4 days. If there is no fever, raw juice of carrot diluted with water, should be taken every 2 or 3 hours. For the next 2 or 3 days, only ripe sub-acid fruits may be taken 3 or 4 times on a daily basis. These fruits may include peaches, apples, grapes, pears and melon.

After the all fruit diet, the patient may steadily embark upon a well balanced diet, consisting of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits. In case of chronic cystitis, the patient should begin the treatment of strict observance to the dietary programme, designed to cleanse the blood and other tissues and at the same time provide a rich source of natural vitamins and minerals in balanced proportions. The patient may take on the following restricted diet for 7 to 10 days.

Early Morning: A glass of unsweetened apple juice or carrot juice
Breakfast: Fresh fruits, selected mainly from apple, pear, peach grapes, melon, and pineapple and a glass of buttermilk, sweetened with a little honey.
Mid-morning: Tender coconut water.
Lunch: A salad of raw vegetables such as carrot, beetroot and cabbage, mixed with curd and a tablespoon of honey.
Mid-afternoon: One cup of unsweetened grape juice.
Dinner: A salad of green leafy vegetables and a fresh fruit, preferably a portion of melon sweetened with a teaspoon of honey.

Natural Remedy for Cystitis, Indian NaturopathyEven after the recuperation from the chronic condition, it will be prudent for the individual to live exclusively on vegetables or on tender coconut water or raw vegetable juices for a day or two, every month. The patient should keep away from refined carbohydrates and salt, both at table and in cooking. The prescribed dietary should keep out meat, fish and poultry.

Home Remedies for Cystitis
Apart from medication there are several home remedies for cystitis that are found to be very effective. Some of them are as follows:

1. A little vegetable oil smoothly rubbed into the skin, will avoid too much reddening.
2. Drink diluted cranberry juice. One or two glasses a day can ease symptoms and prevent recurrence.
3. Barley water is a traditional remedy for cystitis. Boil 1 litre of water with one handful of pearl barley. Simmer to reduce it down to about 500ml. Drink when cool.
4. Spinach juice mixed with equal quantities of coconut water and drunk up to 2 times a day is an excellent diuretic.
5. A juice made of radish leaves or carrot drunk daily first thing in the morning can reduce painful symptoms of cystitis and treat the infection.
6. Another good cystitis home treatment is boiling okra in water and having this concoction twice a day.
7. An excellent cystitis cure is fresh cucumber juice. Cucumber juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey acts as a diuretic and should be drunk thrice a day for at least 2 weeks for the best results.
8. Lemon is an effective and natural remedy for cystitis. 1 teaspoon of lemon juice boiled with 200ml of water should be allowed to cool before having a teaspoon at a time every 2 hours. Lemon juice reduces pain and burning during urination.
9. Sandalwood oil mixed with ginger should be taken in small quantities.

Water Therapy for Cystitis
The water therapy and other health building methods should, however, are continued to the greatest extent possible, so that the patient may stay cured. Pain can be relieved by Sitz Bath, i.e. immersing the pelvis in hot water or alternatively by applying heat to the abdomen, using a towel wrung out in hot water, covering it with dry towel to maintain warmth. While the hot compresses are intended to mitigate pain, the use of cold water compresses to the abdomen is most helpful, if correctly applied, in relieving pelvic congestion and increasing the activity of the skin.

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