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Nakud Sweets
Popularly known as Girish Chandra Dey and Nakur Chandra Nandy, the Nakud Sweets was established in the year 1844 and is famous for the great variety of dry sweets and ‘Sandesh’.

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Nakud SweetsThere are several popular and reputed confectioneries in Calcutta and there is an immense variety of dry sweets and `Sandesh`. But the `Sandesh` of Nakud, stands out prominently from the rest because of their unique delicacy. Nakud and his `Sandesh` are synonymous. They bear a rich tradition of exquisite dry Sandesh since the last 150 years. Nakud`s shop is a source of delight to the connoisseurs of sweets because of its range, variety and superior quality. Nakud specializes in `Ice Cream Sandesh` during summer and `Nalenguder Sandesh` (sandesh prepared with jaggery made of date palms). Apart from these seasonal sweets, there are also `Pink Perra Sandesh`, `Jal Bhara Tal Sandesh`, `Ras Bhara Babu Sandesh`, `Abar Khabo`, `Kasturi Sandesh` etc., which are available to suit the palates of all gourmets at all times of the year. Names might vary but their rudimental ingredient is the same i.e. casein or `Chhana`, `Nakud` does not indulge in any other categories of sweets. `Nakud` and `Sandesh` are inextricably intertwined with each other.

Another notable confectioner, Girish Chandra was Nakud Chandra`s father-in-law. He hailed to Calcutta from Hooghly in 1844 and opened a sweetshop in `Shimla Para` in a short while. But his tenacity mingled with dexterity, soon led to a wide-scale popularity of the humble shop. He had mastered the art of making `Sandesh` and this was the beginning of a placid journey towards a towering success in the ensuing period.

It is indeed remarkable that `Nakud` is still so popular and admired by all, despite the fact that it has no branches and no variety to speak of since inception. It has always focused on its `Sandesh` as its forte. To this day, `Nakud` is always eager to enhance the taste of its wide range of Sandesh and make them more palatable. This is what makes it so different and unique.

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