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Muljibhai Khushalbhai Nayak
Muljibhai Khushalbhai Nayak was a Gujarati actor.

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Muljibhai Khushalbhai Nayak was a Gujarati theatre actor. He was born in a community of Bhavai dance performers in Umata village, Mahsana district in 1893. Khushalbhai Nayak debuted on stage as a 6-year-old and underwent initial training with Amrit Keshav Nayak. Deeply rooted in both folk theatre and the professional stage, he appeared in various traditional Bhavai roles and won recognition as a Bhavai director. He also directed historical and social drama influenced by Urdu theatre. His memorable early characterizations were of Badar in Sati Toral in 1915 and Jankinath in Sati Manjari in 1921. His portrayal of Shivaji in Raja Sambhaji in 1925 was outstanding in terms of footwork, make-up, and an entrance on horseback.

Traditional roles included Shahji in Raja Shahji in 1937. He never imposed his own personality on the portrait, but always became involved in the character. He specialized in depicting heroic men with strong voices, his delivery of dialogue being much appreciated.

Muljibhai Khushalbhai Nayak died in 1971.

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