Moon Sign in Astrology is the sign where Moon is placed at the time of birth. It helps to have a close and more accurate analysis of one"s personality and future events. Deriving a Moon sign requires exact date, time and place of birth of a person. Moon essentially signifies one"s emotional makeup, instincts, behaviour, temperament, interests, dislikes and intrinsic qualities. It is the closest planet to Earth and its 28 days revolution around Earth is often associated with menstruation cycle, mother and femininity.
Significance of Moon Sign in Astrology
Moon is assigned a prominent place in Vedic Astrology because it represents mind and emotions, and due to its quick transitions, it affects one"s life more closely than any other planet. It"s waning and waxing is often associated with mood swings. The Position of the Moon in ones horoscope is second only in importance to the position of the Sun. The Sun sign is the part of an individual that is most apparent on the surface; it is what others see. The Moon sign is the part of an individual that he/ she see.
In Astrology, the Moon stands for emotions, instincts and the unconscious. The Moon represents ones instinctive reactions whereas the Sun represents ones will. The Sun signifies ones individuality and the Moon signifies ones personality. The Moon represents the side of one that reacts before he/ she have time to think.
Moon Signs in Horoscope
Moon Sign in ones horoscope modifies their Sun sign. It brings new forces, different motivations and special elements to the character of their Sun sign. The different Moon Signs in Horoscope are as follows:
Aries Moon: They need autonomy, challenges, action, novelty and to be “firstâ€. They want to feel alive and turned on, but can also be demanding of attention. They also need a challenge but also to be babied and attended to at times.
Taurus Moon: They need stability, material comforts, affection and beauty to feel that they are building something lasting. They want a return on their emotional investment but can be a little too security-obsessed.
Gemini Moon: They need constant communication, new ideas, stimulating dialogue. They are drawn to kindred spirits, a “meeting of the minds†and someone who can mirror or reflect things back to them.
Cancer Moon: They need nurturing, safety, family and creature comforts (good food, nesting and cosy clothes). They can be fearful of abandonment and require lots of reassurance.
Leo Moon: They need attention, glamour, affection, non-stop entertainment and playfulness. They crave for excitement and a conquest and needs someone to celebrate life with them. They have a strong sense of leadership that needs to be expressed.
Virgo Moon: They needs order, to feel helpful and of service, mental stimulation. They like to solve problem and analyze, but can be anxious or worrisome.
Libra Moon: They need harmony, beauty, companionship and equality. They hate conflict and crave for a peaceful and aesthetically pleasing environment, tasteful clothing, fine art and a strong sense of justice.
Scorpio Moon: They need privacy, intensity and soul bonding. They have a hard time trusting and opening up – the person who wins a Scorpio moon"s confidence will be rewarded with eternal loyalty.
Sagittarius Moon: They need adventure, conquests, wisdom and variety. They are attracted to worldly and open-minded people, loves to travel and have new experiences, meet people of all walks. For them, life should feel like a constant carnival and celebration and hence they get bored easily.
Capricorn Moon: They need a long-term legacy and to feel like they are creating something that will last for generations. Power is a turn-on, and this moon sign needs someone with firm boundaries and ambition. They crave solitude and time to recharge – can be depressive or melancholy at times.
Aquarius Moon: They need friendship, collaboration, a common cause – but this rebellious moon soon also craves a strong sense of individuality and subverting the powers. Settling down is hard for this moon sign – and even when they do, they need lots of freedom and autonomy.
Pisces Moon: They need fantasy, compassion, escape, creative outlets and security. They can be powerful healers and drawn to artistic, sensual and spiritual pursuits.