Ashy Woodswallow Ashy Woodswallow is a stocky bird which is widely distributed across India. This bird has ashy grey upper body and pinkish grey underside. It has a finch-like bill, which is silvery in appearance. Its wings are long and legs are short. When the bird is flying, the long wing appears very broad at the base and assumes a triangular outline. There is a narrow pale band on the rump of the bird. This bird makes aerial sallies, when perching on high vantage points. A study is indicative of the fact that male and female Ashy Woodswallows differ in terms of the color of the interior of the mouth. If the bird is barred on the underside, it means it is a young Ashy Woodswallow. In India, the breeding season of the bird ranges from March to June. White-Breasted Woodswallow White-Breasted Woodswallow is known to breed in the Andaman Islands. This small passerine bird is soft-plumaged. The dominant color on the body of the bird is charcoal grey, but white color is also present on under parts of the bird. Its brush-tipped tongue, which is suitable for nectar feeding, helps the bird to trap insects on the wing. The wings of the bird are large and pointed. This bird is known to be very agile in powered and gliding flight. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |