Black-Breasted Weaver Black-Breasted Weaver (P. benghalensis) is a resident in the northern river plains of the Indian Subcontinent. It is a yellow, black, brown and whitish weaver. Its bill is pale blue-grey in color. The breeding male has golden-yellow crown. Its throat is white in color. There is a broad black breast band present on the body of the bird. The upperparts are streaked brown, whereas the underparts are fulvous-white, with weak streaking on flanks. The non-breeding male and female birds have brown colored upper plumage and crown. Their pectoral band is black in color. Black-Breasted Weaver is a 14 cm long bird. Baya Weaver Baya Weaver (P. philippinus) has been recorded across the Indian Subcontinent. The male and female weavers have a stout conical bill and a short square tail. During breeding, the male bird exhibits a bright yellow crown. Its bill is blackish brown in appearance. The bird has a dark brown mask. Its upper parts are dark brown streaked with yellow. The breast is yellow in appearance, which changes to cream buff below it. When the male and female weavers are not breeding, they display dark brown streaked fulvous buff upper body and plain, whitish fulvous lower body. The bill appears horn colored and is devoid of mask. The eyebrow is long and buff colored. The nominate race philippinus has been traced through much of mainland India. Subspecies travancoreensis has been traced in southwest India and is darker above. The breeding season of the Baya Weaver is during the monsoons. Baya Weaver is a 15 cm long bird. Streaked Weaver Streaked Weaver (P. manyar) is a widespread resident of India. This weaver looks similar to the Baya Weaver, but the Streaked Weaver has streaked underparts. During breeding the male bird exhibits a golden crown. It has black colored face and throat. The underparts are white with black breast streaks. When the male and female birds are not breeding, they appear dull. They display buff eyebrow and lightly streaked breast. If the bird is buff below with indistinct streaking, it is then recognized as a juvenile. The subspecies P. m. flaviceps and P. m. peguensis have been recorded in India. Streaked Weaver is a 15 cm long bird. |