Early Life of Pooja Pooja is originally from Rohtak, Haryana. She is twenty-five-year-old. Pooja is one of three female Indian Para athletes due to represent India at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio, Brazil. She is the daughter of a rag seller. Career of Pooja Pooja hails from very humble backgrounds and was diagnosed with Poliomyelitis during childhood. Inclined to sports from a young age, Pooja retained keen interest in shooting. However, with no infrastructure for the sport of shooting in her local town, Pooja chose to pursue her interests in archery instead and picked up the sport in 2013. Training at the Rajiv Gandhi Stadium in Rohtak, Pooja excelled under the guidance of her coach Sanjay Suhag. Pooja found it extremely difficult to afford an equipment of her own, and it was her coach who arranged for a very basic archery equipment to encourage Pooja on her sporting ambitions. Pooja in National Para Archery Tournament In May 2016, Pooja won her first major medal at the National Para Archery tournament in Rohtak and followed that up with a 5th place finish at the World Ranking Tournament in Czech Republic; the latter performance secured her qualification for the Paralympics. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to content@indianetzone.com Related Articles Indian Athletics India at the Paralympics Paralympics swimmers of India Indian Olympic Association India in Hockey Olympics Indian Athletes and Olympics India at 2016 Summer Olympic |