Structure of Upland Buzzard Upland Buzzard is the largest buzzard, though it is equaled in size by the North American ferruginous hawk. The total length is 57-67 cm (23-26 in) and wingspan is 143-161 cm (57-64 in). Weight is about 1350 grams (3 lbs) on average, with both pale and dark morphs. Pale morph has lightly marked whitish head, nape and under parts with large brown spots irregularly distributed in upper breast and abdomen. Flanks and sides of the belly dark, tail with greyish centre and dark sides, tail bands prominently dark, with heavier sub-terminal band. Tars are fully feathered brown. Dark morph bird has the upper parts, lower body and wing coverts solid dark, with the flight feather pattern similar to pale morph. Etymolgy of Upland Buzzard Upland Buzzard was first described by Temminck and Schlegel in 1844 and is monotypic. It is currently considered to form a super species with Buteo rufinus as they do not interbreed, though their ranges overlap. Concentration of Upland Buzzard Upland Buzzard is found in Bhutan, China, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Residence of Upland Buzzard Upland Buzzard was normally found in open montane grass lands and cultivation in summer, wintering to lower altitudes. Prey of Upland Buzzard Upland buzzard usually hunts from air or ground. Upland buzzard feeds on small mammals, birds and insects. Breeding Season of Upland Buzzard Upland buzzard breeds between April and August on crags and ledges of cliffs. The nest of Upland buzzard is made of sticks and well lined. |