Early Life of Vijaya Nirmala Vijaya Nirmala was born in Tamil Nadu to a Telugu family from Andhra Pradesh. Her father has worked in film production. She has a son Naresh who is also an actor, from her first marriage, after the demise of her first husband, she married actor Krishna. Career of Vijaya Nirmala Vijaya Nirmala entered cinema at the age of eleven, as a child artist with Panduranga Mahatmyam (1957). In 1964, she starred opposite Prem Nazir and rose to stardom with Malayalam hit Bhargavi Nilayam. In 1967, she starred again opposite Prem Nazir in Udhyogastha by P. Venu. She debuted in Telugu industry through the film Rangula Ratnam. Vijaya Nirmala has the debut film in Tamil language was Engaveettu Penn which was followed by movies including Panama Paasama, En Annan, Gnanaoli, and Uyira Maanama. She met her second husband Krishna on the sets of Saakshi (1967), her second film in Telugu, and they starred together in 47 films. It was Saakshi that kindled her interest in direction. Vijaya Nirmala has acted in over 200 films with 25 each in Malayalam and Tamil, and the remaining in Telugu. Television Career of Vijaya Nirmala Her small screen debut came with Balaji Telefilms Pelli Kanuka. Soon after, Vijaya Nirmala launched her own banner Vijaya Krishna Movies and produced 15 films. She made her directorial debut with a Malayalam film on a budget of 3 lakhs. She made her directorial debut in Telugu with Meena and directed 40 films in Telugu and one film each in Malayalam (directorial debut film) and Tamil (Kungumachimizh). Now, Vijaya Nirmala is residing in Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and is managing Padmalaya Studios and Padmalaya Telefilms Ltd. |