Career of Akhtar Ali Akhtar Ali came into the prominence of Indian tennis world in the post colonial world. Later Career of Akhtar Ali Akhtar Ali later turned to coaching and coached the players like Ramesh Krishnan, Vijay Amritraj, Anand Amritraj and Leander Paes. Akhtar Ali is father of Zeeshan Ali, a former Indian national tennis champion. The former Davis Cup coach Akhtar Ali will start a junior development programme at the South Club from Friday. The trainees will be divided into three categories-under-14, under-16 and under-18. Awards Received by Akhtar Ali Akhtar Ali is the winner of the Arjuna Awardees in Lawn Tennis in 2000. He also won Dronacharya award in the year 2001. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |