Career of Asit Sen Asit Sen began his career by assisting the renowned filmmaker Bimal Roy at New Theatres in Kolkata. But owing to the decline of Kolkata based film industry during that era, Bimal Roy moved along with his team to Bombay (now Mumbai) in the year 1950. His team included Asit Sen, Salil Chowdhury, Kamal Bose, Nabendu Ghosh and Hrishikesh Mukherjee. Asit Sen had previously made an Assamese film titled Biplabi in 1948. However he made his debut in Bollywood after his shift with the flick Parivaar in 1956 under the production of Bimal Roy featuring Usha Kiran and Kishore Kumar. Along with this, he also continued his work for the Bengali cinema. He assisted Bimal Roy for his films like Biraj Bahu and Parineeta. Subsequently he directed a Bengali film titled Chalachal in 1956 starring Arundhati Devi. The film marked to be a success. After several years, he made a remake of this film in Hindi as Safar which also was a huge hit. His 1959 release was Deep Jwele Jaai in which Suchitra Sen portrayed the lead role. The film had a backdrop of psychiatric hospital and it was also remade by him later in 1969 as Khamoshi starring Rajesh Khanna and Waheeda Rehman. Another gem which he directed was the 1966 film Mamta which was a remake of the 1963 Bengali film Uttar Falguni and narrated a story about class conflict. His storytelling skills were immensely appreciated for the film. The movie also had some memorable songs like 'Chuppa Lo Yun Dil Mein Pyar Mera' and 'Rahen Na Rahen Hum'. His film Uttar Falguni won National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Bengali in 1963. In 1993 Asit Sen joined National Institute of Film and Fine Arts with the designation of the Vice Principal of the organisation. He worked for the film education till his death. Other popular films directed by Sen include Anokhi Raat, Maa Aur Mamta, Sharafat, Amar Prem, Bairaag, Anari and many more in which he worked with many leading actor and actresses of the Indian film industry. Achievements of Asit Sen Asit Sen won Filmfare Award for Best Director in the year 1971 for his Hindi flick Safar. Death of Asit Sen Asit Sen died on 25th August 2001 at a Kolkata hospital at the age of 79. The actor was survived by his son Partha Sen. Filmography of Asit Sen