Cheibi Gad-Ga
Cheibi Gad-Ga, an ancient martial art practiced in Manipur, involves duels fought with stick and leather shield.
Cheibi Gad-Ga is one of the oldest martial arts of the northeast Indian state Manipur. Originally the fighting instrument of this martial art constituted a sword and a shield. Currently the modified version of these equipments are used which comprise a stick enveloped in soft leather and a shield, also made of leather. The participants of Cheibi Gad-Ga contest a duel and the one scoring maximum points is declared as the winner. The brute force, strength and skill are the prime requisites to bag the victory in this form of martial art.
The competition of Cheibi Gad-Ga is organized over a flat surface and inside a circle having a diameter of 7 meters. The fighting area also constitutes two lines, each a metre long, inside the circle. These two lines are separated with a space of two metres between them. Cheibi refers to the stick which has a length of 2 to 2.5 feet while the shield has a diameter of 1 metre. A point system is used in the duel to decide the winner.
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