History of Swara Samrat Festival Initially, Swara Samrat Festival had been arranged in order to pay tribute to Ali Akbar Khan during his 90th birth anniversary, and Ravi Shankar was notified about this music concert. Shreeranjni was the cultural body which had organised the event. However, following the death of Ravi Shankar on 11th December, 2012, the people who had hosted the festival decided to dedicate this special classical musical concert to Ravi Shankar as well. It was referred to as a festival celebrated to commemorate the 'Immortal Duo', namely Bharat Ratna Ravi Shankar and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan. Performances at Swara Samrat Festival Swara Samrat Festival bears testimony to the expert performances of several musical stalwarts. On 5th January, 2013, Pandit Jasraj (vocalist) had performed with Ramkumar Mishra who played the Tabla, Shivkumar Sharma who accompanied with the Santoor, Subhankar Banjerjee (Tabla) and Anindo Chatterjee (Tabla). Other performers included Hariprasad Chaurasia, the reputed flutist and Birju Maharaj, the famous Kathak dancer. The next Swara Samrat festival was conducted during 6th January, 2013. Swapan Chaudhuri, who played the Tabla was accompanied by Aashish Khan who had played the Sarod. Zakir Hussain delivered a solo Tabla performance along with Dilshad Khan who played the Sarangi. The vocalist who also performed here was Girija Devi who was accompanied by Samar Saha at the Tabla. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to content@indianetzone.com |