Basanta Kumar Biswas had exploded a bomb which was targeted at Lord Charles Hardinge on 23rd December, 1912. He was disguised as a lady during this activity, which later resulted in his arrest on 26th February in 1914, in Poragacha area of Nadia district, West Bengal. Biswas was said to have been performing the funeral rites of his father when he was arrested by the police. The court sentenced Biswas to imprisonment for life on 5th October since he was charged with bombing Charles Hardinge. However, an appeal was presented before the Lahore High Court as the government was quite keen for his death penalty. Finally, he was again proved guilty and was sentenced to death by the hanging. Therefore, on 11th May, 1915, Biswas was hanged when he was just 20. The hanging occurred at Ambala Central Jail. Historical records claim that Basanta Kumar Biswas was amongst the youngest people who were executed or granted the death penalty during the Indian freedom movement, in the 20th century. |