The Vijaya Ganapati form represents victory. Thus the worship of this form grants success in all the ventures His worshippers and brings prosperity in their lives. Lord Ganesha also removes troubles instantly in this form. There are several temples devoted to Lord Vijaya Ganapati, such as, the Ashtavinayak Temples in Pune, Maharashtara; the Ganesha temples in Nanjangud and Chamarajanagar in the district of Mysore in Karnataka; Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple in Trivandrum and others. The devotees of the Lord worship this form of Ganesha by reciting the Vijaya Ganapati Mantra, which is mentioned below- Pashankusha Svadhantamra Phalavan Akhuvahanah Vighnam Nihantu Nah Sarvam Raktavarno Vinayakah. This article is a stub. You may enrich it by adding more information to it. You can send your write-up at |