It took quite a few months for the group to promote themselves. And from 2011 onwards, the group regularly started performing at various stages in Bengali theatres, in the city of Kolkata. The group performed a new play by the name "Janoiker Mrityu" which was directed by Dani Karmakar himself. The main aim and objective of this theatre group is to create social responsibilities and awareness among the people. In the 2012 itself the group has many plans in place as well as it is preparing for some innovative thoughts- Installation Theatre. Major Productions by Rabindra Nagar Natyaayudh Till February, 2012 Rabindra Nagar Natyaayudh has staged 7 short ones. Some of those are: Amaler Dakghar Birpurush School-e Atonko Finiks Janoiker Mrityu Bhiswalochoner Bichar Ami This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |