Performance of Mayilattam Dance Mayilattam dance was first originated in Tamil Nadu region and executed usually by the rural women in honour of Lord Subrahmanya. This traditional South Indian dance is hard and requires extensive training and practise. Costumes of Mayilattam Dance Mayilattam dance is incomplete without its proper costume. Along with the performance, the charm also lies in its dress code. In this art form, the performer wears costumes from head to toe that resembles that of a peacock with beak as Lord Subrahmanya used to travel on his most beloved animal that is peacock. In this type of dance, mostly professionals are seen performing as it demands strength as well as the capability to balance the attire while dancing. Here, the dancers are dressed as peacocks and even wear peacock feathers with beak in front. The beak is movable as it is tied with a thread and it can be manipulated from within the dress. The dress is all seen in glittering form from head to toe. The dancers also attach a tall piece of wood at the end of their feet as they do not wear any other foot accessory. Kumaranalloor Mani is one of the noted performers who played key role in popularising Mayilattam dance. But due to the extensive stamina and skill that it requires, Mayilattam performers are decreasing. Efforts are on to preserve this creative art form. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |