In Naturopathy, the natural treatment of Leucoderma involves in flushing out the toxins from the system. This measure enables the healing power within the body to assert itself, and produce normalcy. Leucoderma is a skin disorder in which the skin loses part or all of its pigment in spots, causing white blotches or lesions. It can occur at any age, in either sex and on any part of the body. It is, however, more common in women than men. The most commonly affected areas are the hands, neck, back and wrist in that order.
To begin with, the patient should take on a fast on juices for about a week. In this regimen, he or she should take fruit or vegetable juices, diluted with water every 2 or 3 hours from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. The bowels should be cleansed on a daily basis with warm water during this period.
After the juice fast, the patient may adopt a restricted diet consisting of fresh fruits, raw or steamed vegetables and whole meal bread or chapatis.
Curd and milk may be added to this diet after a few days.
The patient may from then on gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables and fruits. The large proportion of the diet should consist of raw foods. Seeds and beans such as alfalfa, and soyabeans can be sprouted. This diet may be supplemented with cold-pressed vegetable oils, honey and yeast.
Juice fasting may be repeated at intervals of 2 months.
Foods to Avoid in Leucoderma
The patient should avoid tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and all condiments and highly flavoured dishes.
Avoid highly seasoned dishes.
He or she should also avoid sugar, white flour products, denatured cereals like polished rice and pearled barley and tinned or bottled foods.
Home Remedies for Leucoderma
Few home remedies have been found useful in the treatment of Leucoderma.
Psoralea Seeds should be steeped in the juice of ginger or cow’s urine for 3 days. The seeds should then be rubbed with hands to remove their husks, dried in the shade and powdered. 1 gram of this powder should be taken every day with fresh milk for 40 days continuously. The ground seeds should also be applied to the white spots.
Babchi seeds, combined with tamarind seeds, are also of use. Equal quantity of both the seeds should be steeped in water for 3-4 days. They should then be shelled and dried in the shade. They should be ground into paste and applied to the white patches for a week. If the application of this paste causes itching or the white spots become red and a fluid being to ooze out, it should be discontinued.
Another functional remedy for Leucoderma is Red Clay found by the river side or on hill slopes. The clay should be mixed in ginger juice and applied over the white spots once a day. The copper contained in the clay seems to bring back skin pigmentation and ginger juice serves as a milk stimulant, facilitating increased blood flow to the spots.
Drinking water kept overnight in a copper vessel also helps.
A paste made from the seeds of the radish is helpful in treating Leucoderma. About 35 grams of these seeds should be powdered in vinegar and applied on the white patches. For better results, seeds should be delicately pounded, mixed with a little white arsenic and soaked in vinegar at night. After 2 hours, when leaves appear, it should be rubbed on the Leucoderma patches.
The use of turmeric and mustard oil is also considered valuable in the treatment of Leucoderma. About 500 grams of turmeric should be pounded and soaked in 8 litres of water at night. It should be heated in the morning till only 1 litre of water is left. It should then be strained and mixed with 500 ml of mustard oil. This mixture should be heated till only the oil is left. It should be applied on white patches every morning and evening for a few months.
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Naturopathy and Diseases
Skin Disorder