The ralli or quilt is best known of all these items that involves patchwork and quilting. The ralli is made from white material, the top layer of which comprises new fabric. The lower folds that cannot be seen are made with old garments, an excellent instance of the thrifty nature of the artisans. The ralli is appliquéd in decorative designs with brightly coloured sections and cutout patterns. A cutout border is taken along the margins and delicately created tassels of cotton, silk and sequins that are attached to the four corners. Vibrant colours are used for the ground fabric. The inspiration for this craft comes from the standards of economy and cautiousness, taken up by the people of Rajasthan. Here, every available bit of fabric is used and recycled to create objects that are, at the same time, appealing and functional. This craft mainly uses two techniques; the first is patchwork, where geometric pieces are joined together with a running stitch. A plain fabric then supports the patchwork and it is quilted in straight lines with a simple running stitch. Articles such as floor spreads and camel trappings are made with this method. In the second technique, pieces of fabric are shaped in geometric, floral or animal forms. They are cut, hemmed and appliquéd to large pieces of brightly coloured fabric that are often into contrast. The patchwork and quilting technique is used in the fabrication of articles like the chandani or canopy. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |