The channel features some of the hottest movies and television music across the globe. It brings viewers up close and personal with celebrities, to the movie making process, and gives the latest movie news from Hollywood behind-the-scenes specials of the movie-making process and celebrity interviews. The channel has created its own videos for films such as Bend It Like Beckham, Real Women Have Curves, Confessions of A Dangerous Mind and Meet Joe Black and plays all the latest movie music video hits like Terminator 3, Bad Boys II, Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life and Legally Blonde 2 as well as the classic movies like Titanic, Apollo 13, Star Wars and Goldfinger. The channel has proven to be very successful, to become extremely popular with subscribers in 32 countries where it is distributed. The Soundtrack Channel features music videos for both recent and older films. STC Exclusive Videos - original movie music video was launched in 2002 and based in Santa Monica, California, Soundtrack Channel, LLC is the first and only cable/satellite/IPTV/mobile TV channel to exclusively feature music videos from movie soundtracks, including original movie music videos that are specifically produced for the channel. Soundtrack Channel is the destination on television for people who love movies, music and entertainment news, providing the hottest music of the movies, bringing viewers up close and personal with the celebrities, behind the movie making process and the latest in movie news from Hollywood. The Soundtrack Channel operates three channels that broadcast in over 35 countries. Soundtrack Channel is also available in the United States, Canada and Asia Pacific markets including Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. Soundtrack Channel is the destination on television for people who love movies, music and entertainment news, providing the hottest music of the movies, bringing viewers up close and personal with the celebrities, behind the movie making process and the latest in movie news from Hollywood. The Virtual Digital Cable or VDC has the Soundtrack Channel as part of its regular programming lineup. Current subscribers are able to watch the complete 24/7 live network broadcast of STC on their desktop computers, cell phones and mobile devices throughout the United States at no additional charge to their monthly subscription. |