Rangbhoomi is a Gujarati drama troupe that established in Bombay.
Rangbhoomi is a Gujarati troupe. This was established for staging highly literary plays and adaptations of notable works of Gujarati literature. This was established in Bombay. From its inception in 1949, it involved important performers like Pratap Oza, Vishnukumar Vyas, Madhukar Randeriya, and Leela Jariwala. It creditably produced adaptations of the novels Purnima by Ramanlal Desai and Jher to pidha janijani i.e. 'We Drank Poison Knowingly' by Darshak, and plays by Ibsen and Priestley. The group paid equal attention to stagecraft and formed an integral part of the director-centred phase of Gujarati theatre in the 1950s and 1960s. Rangbhoomi also brought out a monthly theatre magazine called Natya rang i.e. 'Theatre Colours'. This established high standards of criticism and information.
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