Uttarayanam in Sanskrit means an auspicious period. According to belief the best movement of the sun is Uttarayanam- the time when the sun moves to the north. This Malayalam film is a smooth transition from his work of strip cartoonist, which guided G Aravindan in the composition and spacing of his characters. Uttarayanam is about Ravi a young man whose father and grandfather have made great sacrifices for the nationalist anti-British movement launched by Gandhiji. He is disillusioned on discovering that the idealism of the past has given way to cynicism and selfishness that independent India has no use for her former freedom fighters. The Uttarayanam becomes symbolically Ravi's own journey or movement into the forest where he will find peace of mind. Uttarayanam won the State film awards for best film, cinematography and screenplay. It also won the award for the best film about history of Indian Independence, during the 25th anniversary of Indian Independence. |