The match between the teams of Maharashtra and Gujarat was the first of the West Zone league matches in the Ranji Trophy, 1964-65. The match took place at Poona from 31 October-02 November, 1964 and it saw the Maharashtra team winning by an innings and 34 runs and also earning 9 points from it. The second match saw a clash between the teams of Bombay and Gujarat at Bombay from 06-07 November, 1964. The Bombay team played wonderfully in the match and won it by a huge margin of an innings and 5 runs to earn 8 valuable points. In the third match of the West Zone, the teams of Baroda and Saurashtra met with each other at Baroda from 07-09 November, 1964. The match was drawn during the stipulated duration and the Baroda and Saurashtra teams earned 5 and 3 points, respectively from the match. The teams of Gujarat and Saurashtra appeared in the fourth of the West Zone league matches in the Ranji Trophy, 1964-65 at Anand from 13-15 November, 1964. The drawn match saw the Gujarat team earning 5 points and Saurashtra team earning 3 points from it. The Baroda and Maharashtra teams then clashed with each other in the next match of the zone and they played the match at Baroda from 14-16 November, 1964. As the match was drawn during its specified duration, the match officials awarded the Baroda and Maharashtra teams earning 5 and 3 points, respectively from it. The match between the teams of Maharashtra and Saurashtra was the sixth match of the zone and it was held at Morvi from 20-22 November, 1964. The match saw the Maharashtra team winning by a margin of 8 wickets and earning 8 points from it. In the seventh of the West Zone league matches in the Ranji Trophy, 1964-65, there was a clash between the teams of the two most powerful teams of the West Zone, Bombay and Baroda. The two teams clashed with each other at Baroda from 21-23 November, 1964 and the match went on to be drawn during the stipulated duration. The Bombay team earned 6 points and Baroda earned 3 points from the drawn match. The Bombay team then played against the Saurashtra team in the next match at Bhavnagar from 27-29 November, 1964, where t won by an innings and 16 runs to earn 8 points from the match. Then the teams of Baroda and Gujarat met with each other at Ahmedabad from 28-30 November, 1964 and the drawn match saw the Baroda team earning 5 points and Gujarat earning 3 points from it. The last of the West Zone league matches in the Ranji Trophy, 1964-65 saw a battle between the teams of Maharashtra and Bombay at Satara from 16-18 January, 1964. The Maharashtra and Bombay teams earned 5 and 3 points, respectively from the match, as it was drawn during the specified duration. |