Again, Dasa Rupaka is an ancient and valuable treatise on dramatic literature. The content of Dasa Rupaka is a description of the ten kinds of theatrical composition hence it is called by the term Dasa Rupaka. The word ‘Dasa Rupaka’ consists of a text and a gloss with examples. The text is the composition of ‘Dhananjaya’, the son of ‘Vishnu’, who styles Munja, his patron and who consequently wrote in the eleventh century. The Gloss might be thought to be by the same hand as the Text. The author is ‘Dhanika’, the son of Vishnu agreeing in the patronymic and differing little in the name. But the date of the Gloss remains undetermined, though it is no doubt of some antiquity. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |