Cheru is one of the Indian aboriginal tribes. There are several legends that associate their origin with the Naga tribes of Assam hills.
Cheru is one of the aboriginal tribes of the country. The tradition of the Cherus is that they belong to the great Serpent Race whose traces and descendants are found in various parts of India. Cherus are probably related to the Naga tribes in the Assam hills and to the aborigines of Nagpur. The Cheru people have distinctive features but this is true likewise of most of the aboriginal tribes. It is considered to be one of the Kolarian tribes. Others being the Asur, Birhor, Bhumij, Kharia, Ho, Kora, Korwa, Mundali, Muasi, Santhal, Kharwar, Saont and Kisan.
Cheru tribe has lost its primitive speech. Cheru people observe triennial sacrifices. They have a village priest, commonly known as Pahn. They follow their indigenous rituals and traditional practices. Their deities are honoured as tutelary god of the village. Cheru people have sharp features and are generally of light brown colour with broad bone structure.
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