However, to start with, the main playwright was Lilaramsingh Lalwani, whose first work, Harishchandra, came on stage in 1895. It was published on 1900. The society also produced his socially relevant plays, Mohan Tarika in 1896 and Surjan Radha in 1897. His mythological drama, Draupadi ya Pandavacharitra i.e. 'Draupadi or Pandava Characters' in 1905 was a hit. Another prolific writer for the society was Mirza Qalich Beg who, beginning with a rendering of Kalidasa's Sakuntala in 1896, continued with adaptations of Shakespeare staged in a series from 1897 to 1914. The moving force behind the success that modern Sindhi theatre achieved in a short period of twenty years, the society disintegrated owing to internal conflicts, after producing and publishing about fifteen plays. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |