Mantra for Sun Yantra The specified Mantra is to be recited for 108 times as a standard rule: Power of Surya Yantra Surya brings light and banishes darkness from the surrounding and the same way the yantra brings happiness in human lives and banishes the gloom. The Surya Yantra bestows the unbeatable strength of mind and believes upon self besides bestowing valour and courage to the person which takes them towards the heights of success upon land. It endows the person with affluence and authority along with a strong personality to rule over others. On the other part, the Surya Yantra defends the person from all the hurdles in human life as including health hurdles, miseries, poverty and accidents besides which it brings all the harmony to life and peace of mind. Surya Yantra does not let any foe or enemy harm the devotee besides which the worshiper would be liked, favoured and admired by many around. It is perceived to be highly significant and beneficial for those having an ill-placed Sun in the horoscope chart. It makes the person stand at the supreme place. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |