Indications of Lines of Travelling The expert palmists believe that if any line starts from the area of the Mars and convenes with the lifeline, and further more if the individual possesses a white crescent moon on the nail of the finger of Saturn, then the person is bound to travel numerous times to many places in the course of his life. Sometimes the crescent moon, on the nail of the finger of Saturn or middle finger, appears visible for almost three months. Most of the times, along with that crescent moon, a line originating from the region of the Pluto extends to the mount of Sun. This signifies that the individual gets frequent opportunity to travel by air transport. Further, if any line originates from the mount of Venus and extends to the mount of Moon in the form of a bow and the finger of Saturn has white crescent moon, then it indicates that person will most certainly travel overseas, possibly through waterways. Moreover, occasionally two similarly long lines move upward on the mount of the Moon. According to palmistry, such people definitely spend their lives travelling to various places. If two parallel lines extend upwards from the regions of Venus and Hershel, then it positively signifies that the person will undergo numerous travels in his/her life. Normally, the lines of travelling become visible on the mount of Moon. These lines leave the life line extending towards the mount of Moon. Particularly, the short lines that unite with the fate line at the concurrence point, from where a line moves down into the mount of Moon, clearly implies lucrative, as well as academic tours abroad. Thus, the lines of travelling that connect with the fate line specify material benefits and gain. Lines of travelling imply any reaction that has formed as an outcome of subtle health. More significantly, the lines of travelling on the palm of an individual indicate expeditions and travels related to the person. According to professional palmists, if the lines of travelling finish with a little cross in the end, then it implies that the voyage might conclude in dissatisfaction and displeasure. Whenever the lines of travelling reach the mount of Jupiter, then it implies that a long journey is on the cards and will provide authority and success. Moreover, if the line of travelling finishes with in a square shape, then the person is supposed to be sheltered and protected from any kind of hazard or problems that he might face in the course of his journey. |