Synopsis of the movie 'Kasme Vaade' The Bollywood film 'Kasme Vaade' is a film by Ramesh Bahl which is a story of a professor and his younger brother. Professor Amit played by Amitabh Bachchan is a straight forward person who has never done a wrong thing. He is engaged with a beautiful girl Suman played by Rakhi but decide not to marry her as long his brother Raju played by Randhir Kapoor does not complete his studies and do something. Raju on the otherhand is never serious in his work. He often make him busy with doing non sense fight with fellow students. One of his such friend is Kundan played by Vijayendra. He does not like Raju and always tries to make Raju inferior. Amit has tried many a times to teach Raju the right thing but he does not hear a single word of his brother. After one such incident because of which Kundan gets angry with raju. He takes him to a bar and tells Raju that from now onwards they are friends and they have to booze to celebrate this occation. Raju becomes drunk and he requests Kundan to leave him to his house. Kundan agrees and takes Raju to his car along with other friends of his. But in the midway they fight with Raju and leave him after beating him badly. Amit and Suman get scared and try to restrict raju from all these tensions. But Raju does not hear anything and after returning home from the hospital he goes to fight with Kundan. They have a severe fight but the worst thing happened when Amit dies to save his brother Raju from Kundan. Suman is shattered and she still cannot believe her Amit is not there. They shared such an intense love that Suman starts wearing white saree and behaves like Amit's widow. And thus comes the tale of sacrifice. Suman thinks she will never marry in life and be like this forever. Raju becomes completely changed and he starts working in a garage with some of his friends. There in the same garage one girl named Neeta played by Neetu Singh works for whom Raju has a soft corner. Rather the girl loves Raju and wants to marry him. Just as when life begins to change for the better, Raju gets a shock of his life when he sees a look alike of his dead brother. Guilt-ridden Raju thinks that he has gotten his brother back, and tries to make Shankar like his brother Amit. But Shankar is a jail return guy who lacks panache and always busy with his stealing job. Raju's friends are very annoyed with Shankar but Raju always sees his brother in him. One day when Shankar is running away from police he enters into Suman's house where he meets with a large number of portraits of Amit made by suman. Shankar becomes stunt by seeing his own face and that's the starting point of his changes in life. After Raju's tremendous try Shankar becomes a good person. But by that time he gets stuck with some smuggling products and also Zurra played by Amjad Khan. Shankar still tries to come out of the web but Zurra catches him after showing him a picure of Suman where it shows that she is under Zurra's custody. Shankar agrees with Zurra's plan of stealing diamonds worth Rs. 3 crores. Shankar eventually gets success in the plan and while returning to Zurra, Raju catches him and comes along with him. But Zurra does not play a fair game. He denies to return suman and they have the last fight. Suman eventually gets the feel that Amit is back and she agrees to marry Shankar. Raju, Neeta, Suman and Shankar make a happy family. Cast and Crew of 'Kasme Vaade' The star cast of the film includes Amitabh Bachchan in double role, Randhir Kapoor, Rakhi Gulzar, Neetu Singh, Amjad Khan, Bhagwan, Azad, Nitin Sethi, Katy Mirza, Shivraj, H. F. Mistry, Prakash Mishra, Gajraj, Sharat Saxena and Vijayendra Ghatge in a special role. The film is produced and directed by Ramesh Behl while it is written by Mirza Brothers. R. D. Burman has done the music while cinematography is done by Peter Pereira. |