Synopsis of the Indian movie 'Arth' The story of the Bollywood movie 'Arth' revolves around the three characters Pooja, Inder and Kavita. Pooja played by Shabana Azmi, who grew up as an orphan girl, becomes insecure when she finds out that she and her husband, Inder played by Kulbhushan Kharbanda, have to leave the apartment they rent. She tells Inder that she needs some security in her life. Inder very soon gives her a pair of keys of a new flat which makes her mesmerized. She becomes busy with the decoration of the house while her husband Inder leaves for Bombay. He goes there to make the script for a film. But it is revealed very soon that he has an affair with one of the actresses Kavita played by Smita Patil. Pooja becomes shattered. She has nothing to do. She fills helpless when Inder goes to live with Kavita. In one of their common friend's function Pooja meets with Inder and Kavita while in the same place she meets with Raj played by Raj Kiran. Pooja can't tolerate to see her husband with Kavita and outburst while she is drunk. Inder and Kavita leave the party and Raj takes Pooja to her house where her maid played by Rohini Hattangadi is there to look after Pooja. Next day morning Pooja confronts Kavita and it is revealed by their conversation that the money for the new house is given by Kavita and in that way the house belongs to her. Pooja at once leaves the house taking only two thousand rupees, which she had while marrying Inder. While previously giving advices to her maid played by Rohini Hattangadi cheated by her husband, now Pooja becomes herself involved in a similar situation. Pooja opts for a workingwomen hostel and goes to one of them. But as they need an appointment letter she again becomes confused, as she was not working at that time. She is helped by Raj as he gives an appointment letter to show in the hostel. Raj also helps Pooja to surpass the difficulties of a life as a single person, to find a job and to rely morally on herself. As some time passes, the mental instability of Kavita deepens her fears of insecurity, even after Inder promises to divorce Puja. Inder requests Pooja to sign the divorce papers. Inder does this on Pooja's birthday while he totally forgets the day as her birthday. After the insistence of Kavita's mother played by Dina Pathak and of her personal doctor played by Om Shivpuri, Pooja personally assures Kavita that she is not interested anymore in Inder. However, the attitude of Pooja only convinces Kavita that she did a bad thing breaking a marriage and thus, to escape from her feeling of guilt and insecurity, she breaks the relation with Inder. Inder tries to revive the relation with Pooja, but he is rejected by Pooja also. This happened because of the fact that by that time Pooja gets acquaited with the harsh reality of the life and she doesn't want any more tension in life. Eventually Raj proposed Pooja but she also rejects him because of the same reason. Cast and Crew of 'Arth' The star cast of the film includes Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Shabana Azmi, Smita Patil, Dina Pathak, Om Shivpuri, Mazhar Khan, Raj Kiran, and Rohini Hattangadi. The film is directed by Mahesh Bhatt while it is produced by Kuljit Pal. The movie is written by Mahesh Bhatt and Sujit Sen. Music in the film is given by Chitra Singh and Jagjit Singh while cinematography is done by Pravin Bhatt. Awards for 'Arth' The Indian movie 'Arth' in an award-winning movie, which has got many awards after its release. In 1984 filmfare award the film's actress Shabana azmi got best actress award while Mahesh Bhatt got best screenplay and Rohini Hattangadi got bets supporting actress award. Shabana Azmi also got Silver Lotus award as best actress in 1983 Mational film awards. |