Synopsis of the Indian film 'Khosla Ka Ghosla' The film revolves around a retired, middle-class man Kamal Kishore Khosla played by Anupam Kher whose sole dream in life is to make his own house in which he wants to spend the best days of life with his family. He lives somewhere in Delhi. Khosla spends all his hard-earned money to buy a plot on which he wishes to build his dream house. The story of the film starts with a scene where Khosla wakes up from sleep and he is scared as he has seen a dream about his death. In his dream he sees that nobody cares about his death. His children, wife and also his neighbours are more interested in their worldly-minded requirements. The story goes on as one early morning, Khosla plans to go to the site where he has purchased a plot. He wants to build his house there. He is accompanied by his wife played by Kiran Juneja, eldest son Bunty played by Ranvir Shorey, second son Chironji Lal Khosla played by Parvin Dabas, and his daughter. All of them reach the spot and discover that the site has been occupied by someone else. On further investigation they find that it has been captured by a property taking over chain. This gang was headed by a man named Kishan Khurana played by Boman Irani. Khosla had never imagined this case even in his wildest dreams that a land shark Khurana can capture his dream plot. Khosla becomes shattered and asks the greedy Khurana to give his land back. But Khurana asks for heavy ransom. Khurana demands Rs.15 lakhs to vacate the plot. But khosla, who was never a rich person, refuses to give the money. The family members try every possible way to get back their land. Bunty gathers few local strongmen and forcefully destroys the walls. This was he re-occupies the land for the time being. But as Khurana has the police on his side he gets back the site. He also gets Khosla arrested. Cherry meets Asif Iqbal was Khurana's partner some time back. Asif was very annoyed to Khurana as he took away Asif's ancestral land by cheating him. So in this matter Asif can get connected with Khosla and start finding some plans to get back their lands. Cherry had some connection with the drama people i.e. he has some friends who acts in theatre. He assembled some people and plays a game with Khurana. They show a government land as private property to Khurana with the help of a senior stage artist Bapu played by Navin Nischol. They sell the land to Khurana and befool him of Rs. 35 lakhs by fake. In the end, Khosla gives the required 15 lakh to Khurana. Khosla takes possession of his plot and distribute the acquired money among the theatre persons and Asif. Cast and Crew of 'Khosla Ka Goals' The star cast of the Indian movie 'Khosla Ka Goals' includes Boman Irani, Anuran Khmer, Koran Juneja, Parvin Dabas, Tara Sharma, Ranvir Shorey, Roam Baja, Vend Nag pal, Vine Pataki, Navin Nischol, Nits Pander, Anita Lal, and Rajesh Sharma. The film is directed by Debunker Bannered and is written by Jayvee Sahni. The producer is Ronnie Screwvala and Savita Raj Hiremath. The music in the film is given by Bapi-Tutul and Dhruv Dhalla. |