Hatha Yoga does not seek mere transcendental experiences. Its objective is to transform the human body to make it a worthy vehicle for Self-realization. According to a yogic philosophy, the body, mind and senses constitute instruments or tools for the respective processes of experiencing the world and realizing ones true nature. Physical upliftment assists the spiritual one and vice versa. Impact of Hatha Yoga on Body Cells Hatha Yoga teaches that the physical body is built up of small cells, each cell containing within it a miniature life which controls its action. These lives on the other hand have small bits of intelligence which allow the cells to do their work in a proper manner. The small cells of human body are under the control of the central system and readily obey their orders consciously or unconsciously. The process of digestion, assimilation, etc shows the intelligence of the cells either separately or collectively in groups. Each atom of a living body according to the Yogi is a living being which has its own independent life. Cells in human body are the ones which carry on the work of continual regeneration. It has been said that in order to perform all the different actions the cells need a supply of Prana. The cells are able to get the supply of Prana from the nourishment they derive from the food which they have. In order to supply adequate Prana to the cells it is necessary that the body is kept in a proper condition and the yogis believe that Hatha Yoga is a way to keep the body in a healthy condition. Impact of Hatha Yoga on the Respiratory System Breathing, according to Hatha Yoga is the most important activity of the body. This is because all the other functions of the body depend on breathing. Moreover it is said that without the exercise of breathing, man is not able to survive. But at the same time it should be remembered that correct habits of breathing are more important for continued vitality and freedom from disease. Hatha Yogis believe that breathing should be practised in such a manner that the individual is able to bring about control on his body and send any amount of Prana or vital energy to any part of the body. Proper breathing to a large extent depends on the contraction and relaxation of muscles and controlling the muscles actually enables an individual to master the science of breathing. The Yogis of Hatha Yoga have classified respiration into four general methods namely High Breathing, Mid Breathing, Low Breathing and Yogi Complete Breathing. It has also been said that the exercise of Complete Breathing that are practiced by the Hatha Yogis helps the individuals to acquire a proper health and also helps them to be free from all kinds of diseases. Impact of Hatha Yoga on the Digestive System Hatha Yoga also has an impact on the digestive system as well. It has been said that if the digestive system works in a proper manner the individual is able to absorb the Prana in a more effective manner from the food that he intakes. And if the Prana from the food is absorbed in an effective manner, the Prana or the vital energy is transmitted to all the parts of the body and the body works in a more effective manner. Hatha Yoga assists in the proper working of the digestive system of individuals and hence circulates Prana in the body in an effective manner. Kundalini Shakti and Hatha Yoga Kundalini is a force so powerful as to be considered the source of all manifestation. This is the powerful force which when evoked transcends ones being and self. Understanding these vital cosmic forces are a must for any Yogi to deal with the infinite potential in a human body, that when stirred up cause them to cross all the barriers and reach enlightenment. The aim of Hatha Yoga is to first purify the nadis to facilitate the improved flow of prana, and then to induce the arousal and upward-movement of Kundalini. The activation of this extremely powerful force is bound to create a profound transformation of the yogi. |