Plot of Hum Paanch The plot of Hum Paanch revolved around a middle class Indian family. The father, ‘Anand Mathur’ worked as marketing personnel for a medicine company. After his first wife died, he married ‘Binadevi Anandkumar Janardhan Prasad Mathur’, whom Anand lovingly called ‘Bina’. Although initially Anand’s 3 elder daughters teased Bina for her loud personality but later they became a close knit family and 2 more daughters were added to the family. Anand always found himself in trouble because of his 5 daughters. They were ‘Meenakshi’, ‘Radhika’, ‘Sweety’, ‘Kajal’ and ‘Chhoti’. The eldest daughter ‘Meenakshi’ is a feminist who always protested on gender inequality in the society. The second daughter ‘Radhika’ was intelligent and a nerd. She could not hear or see properly and had to use hearing aids. She frequently stumbled on things due to her poor eyesight. The third daughter of the family was ‘Sweety’. She wanted to become a model as she was rather beautiful but had no brains and she desperately wanted to get married to popular Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan. She always opened the door whenever the bell rang. The fourth daughter was ‘Kajal’, who was rather masculine and appeared to be a tomboy and bullied everyone. Finally ‘Chhoti’, the youngest daughter of the family, was a scandalmonger and loved to gossip. In every episode, all of the 5 sisters gathered to conspire about doing something new. They tried all sorts of plan including bank robbery, opening a beauty parlour, kidnapping someone and many more. Bina was very fond of all her daughters and supported them in whatever they planned. The spirit of Anand’s first wife communicated with him through her photo. When the show returned with its second season in 2005, Anand came back from the United States of America and her two eldest daughters, Meenakshi and Radhika, were married along with children. Cast of Hum Paanch Ashok Saraf</b>, Bhairavi Raichura, Pamela Mukherjee, Priya Tendulkar, Priyanka Mehra, Amita Nangia, Rakhi Vijan, Shoma Anand, Sudha Chandran, Vandana Pathak and Vidya Balan were the main actors in the serial. The cast was frequently changed as the actors playing the characters of the daughters were replaced throughout the first season. Achievements of Hum Paanch Hum Paanch was a ground breaking sitcom that made the grip of Zee TV rather strong as a satellite channel. In 2010, Hum Paanch received the ‘Amar Rishtey Award’, in ‘Zee Rishtey Awards’ for Best Comedy Series. |