Gopal Ganapati Temple
Shree Gopal Ganapati temple is 26 kms away from Panaji, which is at Farmagudi, Ponda.
Shree Gopal Ganapati temple is is placed amidst beautiful natural surroundings, near Bandora. According to history in October, 1683 the Portuguese Viceroy attacked the fort of Ponda but had to beat a hasty retreat at the sudden appearance of the Maratha King Sambhaji with a large army. Farmagudi commemorates this event. The stone image of Gopal Ganapati was discovered by herdsmen while grazing cattle near the hill and later installed in a small memorial with a thatched roof. The temple built by late Shri Dayanand Bandodkar, who was the first Chief Minister of Goa had the idol, made of metal alloy, consecrated on April 24, 1966. It is a good specimen of Indian temple architecture synthesizing both ancient and modern.
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