In the recent past Vishal Singh was seen making his entry in the hugely popular Zee show 'Astitva-Ek Prem Kahani' in the character portrayal of Sid. He appeared to be far old for his character but somehow he captival the viewers by his brilliant performance. His cute face has also proved a sort of hindrance in his acting career but that does not exist anymore now. If given a chance he would also like to star in a comedy and do something like 'Dekh Bhai Dekh' again. He has also wooed the small screen audiences by his brilliant performance in 'Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa' and Ek Ladki Anjaani Si'. Currently he is seen in the hugely popular Star Plus afternoon daily 'Bhabhi' where he plays the role of Suhana's (played by Rucha Gujrati) husband. In future he would also like to get into direction of films and is always more inclined towards commercial cinema rather than art films. He also intends to start working on the story he has in mind in the near future. On the personal front Vishal Singh is quite a reserved guy and does not believe creating hype about his personal life in front of the media. About relationships he holds a very high regard and claims that relationship is the essence of life and that is on which one survives and the only factor that has the most important hold on relationship is trust. He is still enjoying his single status in life and is waiting for the right girl to get along with him in life. About life he has a very positive approach and likes to take it as it comes. He also likes to enjoy the basic pleasures of life like traveling and enjoying coffee with some near and dear ones. The whole session of being interactive with his fans on some popular fan club website also enthralls him at an extreme level. This very talented actor is also an ardent believer of God and claims that with the blessings of God he will prove to be a very successful actor. Over all this adventurous, passionate, perfectionist and optimistic soul is sure to take the whole of the television industry by storm with the aid of some performance-oriented roles in the near future. |