Zee Television has more than delighted her fans to see this ravishing beauty feature in the top most brand of the ad world after winning the Talent Hunt Contest organised. Soon after that she also went on to star in 'Ada', which was aired on Sahara One. With satin-smooth skin, impossibly fit body, distinctive looks and a sense of absolute confidence Amruta Khanvilkar is the perfect focus of any camera. She claims that life was not a bed of roses for her from the initial stages but things started flowing smoothly once she became known in the modeling circuit. Amruta Khanvilkar claims that though her life is hectic she enjoys it to the core, "It is a make believe world and our job is to make people believe in us". Not only in the Indian Television Industry and the modeling circuit she has also delighted her fans to the core by starring in the Marathi blockbuster flick 'Golmal' where she starred opposite Bharat Jadhav. She has to her credit the Best Actress Award which she received from among 32 contestants from across the country few years ago. Recently Amruta Khanvilkar is seen hosting the 'Bollywood Tonite', which is broadcasted on Zee Music. Her simple motto of life is to be whatever she wants to be. An actress with such immense potential is sure to rock the nation with her powerhouse performances. |