Biggest Looser Jeetega is one such show which has managed to attract audiences at a very fast pace. It was hosted on the popular channel called Sahara One by the eminent Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty. In fact he made his television on debut as an anchor. The whole concept of the show was refreshingly new. It brought together 16 overweight people who hail from different walks of life. The only issue that raised their concern was their weight. In fact the whole object of the four-month show was to compel the contestants to loose as much weight as possible. It was indeed fascinating to see Indian people who are otherwise very shy by nature coming up by themselves to participate in reality shows like Biggest Looser Jeetega, that too also on national television channels. This kind of determination and courage to participate in contests will surely take these contestants miles ahead in their lives. They are sure to succeed in all walks of life. The show Biggest Looser Jeetega consists of two teams comprising of 8 members each. At the end of every week one member from each team was to be eliminated from the show that will be responsible for bringing their team down because of his reluctance to put his whole concentration in the rigorous regimen. The contestants were working under the advices and suggestions of many popular fitness gurus including the trainer Deepika Mehta, the culinary nutritionist Varun Shivdasani, cardiologist Ajit Desai and health and fitness director Andrew Leipus. The whole show was shot at Amber Valley City. The wonderful and enthusiastic contestants of the show made it even more fun to watch. In fact they were also allured with the fact that they would win a huge sum if they loose the maximum amount of weight. The promising show was a hit with the audience as it had an instant communication factor on a national level. It is in fact a delightful factor for the Indian audience that such types of shows are being introduced to the Indian subcontinent. Over all Biggest Looser Jeetega is a great show and has managed to generate a good viewer ship. |